Friday, February 16, 2007

Guys, here are the pages where the words are found:
1. bulwark-p.15
2. undulating-p.17
3. obscured-p.17
4. deftly-p.20
5. precipitated-p.23
6. subjugation-p.29
7. dissembling-p.32
8. furtive-p.36
9. diffused-p.39
10. stalwart-p.45
11. benign-p.46
12. legerdemain-p.46
13. gravely-p.52
14. edifice-p.61
15. monotonously-p.67
16.waning-p.67 (I think their was a typo here, it's waning, not wanning.)
17. monolithic-p.73
18. irresolution-p.75
19. petulant-p.77
20. germane-p.81
21. malignant-p.86

Good luck!


BIG DUDE said...

it was a great idea!!!

Heat Seeker said...

Go LA!

Ahgrat ukmar

Koko said...

THANKYOU! It was really helpful cause I didn't get two of the words in class.