Thursday, February 15, 2007

If you guys could have any of the Ghosts visit you, which one would you like to meet? I would really like to meet the Ghost of Christmas Present and make merry and have fun, but I'd also like to relive my Past, that is, the good parts! I'd even like to meet the Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come, to see which way my life is heading, and to find out who's behind that cloak. What do you guys think?


Stephanie said...

Nothing extremely crucial has happened in my past, I mean stuff that if I looked back on would change my life, but it still would be kind of fun. I'd like to meet the Present as you said,and enjoy it. I don't know if I'd want to see my future. It's oftenn a good thing to not know what's going to happen cause if we did, we would get so freaked out that we couldn't handle it. So, I'd probably stick with the Present!

laura said...

Actually, I'm more interested in finding who's behind the mask and getting to know them than seeing my future. I'd atually just like to know if I'm going the right way, you know, if it's good or bad, but not really see it.